Shipping Terms
White Glove Delivery (Southern California) - White glove delivery is where we bring the product you ordered into your home, set it up in the desired space and remove all the trash. The idea is that you don’t lift a finger. Please keep in mind the room or space needs to be move in ready. The delivery service will not move any existing pieces of furniture. Pricing varies depending where you live and how large your order is.
Curbside Delivery - Our standard method of free nationwide delivery. Our preferred carries will gently off load your new purchase curbside at your residence, complex, or business. Sometimes they will bring it into lobby or set in garage, but no guarantees. From there you will responsible for moving the product to its desired location.
Free Shipping - (Online Orders Only) All small items or items that do not require set up such as anything that can be shipped via FedEx or UPS will be dropped at the front door at no expense to you. We want to get you your awesome new product as fast as physically possible. Keep in mind, some products will still need to be set up or assembled.
Clearance Furniture - Free Shipping Does not apply to any clearance items.